Kadou Mochitaro Rice Cracker Snacks 6g×30bags

Kadou Mochitaro Rice Cracker Snacks 6g×30bags
  • Kadou Mochitaro Rice Cracker Snacks 6g×30bags
from Shop Staff

Item Description

title菓道 餅太郎 6g [菓子 1ケース 30袋]
product typeDagashi, Arare (Rice Cracker)
release date2015-2-16
descriptionThe gentle saltiness of the crunchy are gives you a nostalgic feeling! This light and simple flavor will surely make you eat several bags at once! The nuts that are always included in each bag are perfect for resetting your taste buds! They are great for everyday snacks or as a snack for drinks!

Customer Review

Average 5.0 (1 reviews)

The simplest and yet tastiest of all snacks

30 bags for $6 might seem like a deal but these bags are tiny, think of Halloween fun size tiny, maybe twice the size of fun size but these are half a handful.

Regardless these are delicious and one bag is enough to satiate a non starving person. It's enough to tide you over in my opinion and I suggest you try it, it is a nice crunchy and fried flavor experience.

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