【Liquor x Chocolate】THE Liquor Chocolate of Japan! Popular for Grown-Ups! Featuring the Winter New Rummy & Bacchus Bonbon Chocolate!

※The two types of snacks we feature today has liquor (alcohol). (Even though the alcohol % is not too high), please do not drive after consumption. Also, purchase with caution if you are not good with alcohol.
Konnichiwa everyone. I enjoy alcohol in moderation. Love to drink, this is Boss from Japanese Snacks Republic!
Konnichiwa everyone~! As a light weight, so I don’t drink too much alcohol, this is Saori from Japanese Snacks Republic!
Well! Today is a must for drinking fans! We will feature a delicious snack that I often buy as a snack to accompany drinking!
Ranked both 1st and 2nd place in chocolate snacks that uses liquor in Japan! It’s this snack that we see at convenience stores, supermarkets, as well as other various places!

【Liquor x Chocolate】THE Liquor Chocolate of Japan! Popular for Grown-Ups! Featuring the Winter New Arrival of Rummy & Bacchus Bonbon Chocolate!

Ooh~ This is a snack that we see often in Japan!
Yes, this is THE snack when it comes to delicious alcohol sweets! Loved by grownups for years, delicious upon biting, and promises high satisfaction! We are finally introducing this classic popular snack!

What is Rummy & Bacchus Bonbon Chocolate?

Rummy & Bacchus Bonbon Chocolate is chocolate created by LOTTE Co., Ltd.
It is a chocolate with a long history. Lotte started to sell chocolates in 1963. The following year in 1964 Bacchus was sold, and Rummy in 1965.
Within the long history of Lotte, though the ingredient proportion and flavor were slightly adjusted, this popular series’ concept and shape remains unchanged.
Rummy has rum-raison soaked with alcohol and chocolate ganache inside, and Bacchus is a chocolate that is filled with brandy-syrup inside, and both are highly popular among male customers and people who want to enjoy alcohol in controlled amounts.
Yes, I’m also not too good with alcohol, but this chocolate is very yummy that I can enjoy it for the chocolate taste too~!
Mmhmm. It doesn’t disturb the main alcohol that I’m drinking, but it certain is delicious. I love it too~!

Rummy Bonbon Chocolate tastes like this!

  • Liquor x Chocolate Sales Rank No. 1!Beloved as a snack to accompany drinking, Japan’s majorly popular chocolate!
  • Chocolate that uses liquor and has rum-raison and ganache!One box only has 3 stick-shaped pieces, but with the alcohol-strength, the satisfaction level is quite high!
  • When bitten, the alcohol flavor gradually spreads, and the rum raison gives it a nice texture! Compared to Bacchus, reviewed next, this one is popular for the fun and taste that goes with the biting. The after taste is rather light, and it makes you want to take another bite after!

Bacchus Bonbon Chocolate tastes like this!

  • Ranked no. 2 in Liquor x Chocolate Sales Ranking!
  • Inside the chocolate is a mellow and rich flavored cognac! When bitten in, the liquid cognac directly pours into the mouth, so it gives a sense of “drinking alcohol!” (or eating) than Rummy!
  • Compared to Rummy which contains stick-shaped chocolate, Bacchus have multiple small pieces inside. Easy to grab and eat, and because no other component is inside, it allows you to feel a true “liquor and chocolate collaboration,” a royal chocolate!
  • In Japan too, the preferences split in 2!Some like the solidity and satisfaction of Rummy! and some like the simplicity and the sincere recreation of liquor x chocolate concept of Bacchus!
Which one do you like better, Saori?
I like the red Rummy better! Since the alcohol hits mellower than the Bacchus and the texture is more interesting, I’m on the Rummy side!
I see. I like both, but I think I prefer the green Bacchus. I reach for this when I want to enjoy drinking, so I prefer Bacchus where I taste the dense flavor of alcohol spread immediately after biting. Though I typically buy both when I drink.
LOTTE Rummy Bonbon Chocolate(Alcohol Content 3.7%)
LOTTE Bacchus Bonbon chocolate(Alcohol Content 3.2%)
Since there are clear differences in their yumminess, definitely please try both and compare the two!
Well, that’s about it for now! See you at the next article!

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