【Spring Limited Potato Chips】 A Calbee Tradition! Using the Season's Freshest Potatoes! Enjoy the Refreshing Sweetness with Salt and Sour Cream Flavors!

Hello everyone, when it comes to spring potatoes, the harvest period is somewhat short, and they are known for their easy-to-peel skin and smoother texture compared to potatoes harvested at other times. Sounds delicious. I'm the Boss from Japanese Snacks Republic.
Hello everyone~!! Potatoes, ......I mean potato chips are delicious no matter when you eat them! That's why I want to enjoy potato chips from every season! I'm Saori from Japanese Snacks Republic!
During this seasonal transition, Calbee, a leading potato chip manufacturer in Japan, should be releasing delicious potato chips made with seasonal potatoes......!

【Spring Limited Potato Chips】 A Calbee Tradition! Using the season's freshest potatoes that taste the best! Enjoy the refreshing sweetness with salt and sour cream flavors!

Oh~ As expected, they are out! New products that let you feel the softness of spring and the refreshing taste of potatoes! And there are two types! Both look delicious~!

These two combinations were a golden duo released to great acclaim several years ago!
The saltiness that enhances sweetness and the improved sour cream onion flavor make a comeback!

●Calbee Haru Potato - Umashio (Tasty Salt)


●Calbee Haru Potato - Sour Cream Onion

The sour cream flavor seems to be a version improved upon the highly popular taste from a few years ago! They adjusted the blend to enhance the sweetness and slightly reduced the aftertaste of sweetness, making it a flavor that makes you want to keep eating!
That's true! Both are salty and delicious, but you can still taste the light flavor of the potatoes~! It seems like it would feel nice to eat them in the warm spring weather!
So, everyone! Please do try these potato chips packed with the taste of spring!
Calbee Haru Potato - Umashio (Tasty Salt)
Calbee Haru Potato - Sour Cream Onion

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