【KitKat】Reproduction Sale of KitKats Containing Japanese Sake and Plum Sake! Savor the Slightly Mature Taste of KitKat!

※Please note that the two types of KitKat introduced this time contain alcohol, though less than 1%.
Hello everyone, I'm Boss from Japanese Snacks Republic, and today, I'm super excited to share that the alcohol-infused KitKats, which are reissued intermittently, have made a comeback. I'm really keen on trying them out!
Boss is getting hungry while explaining. That's kind of funny. I'm Saori from Japanese Snacks Republic!
I've seen these being sold a few times but never managed to buy them! How much alcohol do they contain? Tell me, tell me~!

【KitKat】Reproduction Sale of KitKats Containing Japanese Sake and Plum Sake! Savor the Slightly Mature Taste of KitKat!

Continuously reissued! These two types of slightly mature, Japanese-style KitKats with alcohol are:

●KitKat Chocolates - Luxury Masuizumi Japanese Sake


●KitKat Chocolates - Luxury Ume Japanese Sake

Ah~! There's a faint taste of alcohol! The low alcohol content blends well with the chocolate's deliciousness, which is great!
Both have different taste directions, which is nice! Personally, I find the Ume Japanese Sake good, with its unique sweetness of Ume Japanese Sake!
Those who have never tried Ume Japanese Sake might think, 'Isn't Ume pickled plum? Isn't it sour?' But Ume Japanese Sake is made with plum fruits and sugar, so it's not sour at all, and it's a type of alcohol that goes well with chocolate!
As mentioned at the beginning, the two types of KitKat introduced here contain less than 1% alcohol, so please be cautious when consuming! I don't think it will get you drunk, but just to be safe!

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