【Cup Noodle】An Incredible Increase in Something!? Delicious and Packed with Ingredients! What Do the Two New Cup Noodle Flavors Taste Like!?

Hello everyone. I’m Boss from Japanese Snacks Republic, and today I’m excited to share a rumor about a new flavor in the Cup Noodle series that has an incredible increase in something.
Hello everyone! That’s right! The rush of new flavors in the Cup Noodle series has been unstoppable recently! I’m Saori from Japanese Snacks Republic, and I personally have an interest in the new Cup Noodle flavors and want to check them out!

【Cup Noodle】An Incredible Increase in Something!? Delicious and Packed with Ingredients! What Do the Two New Cup Noodle Flavors Taste Like!?

Wow!!! So, there’s a new flavor with a significant increase in ingredients for both the regular Cup Noodle and the Seafood Cup Noodle! But when you think about it, since it’s just an increase in ingredients, it’s not really a new flavor, is it?
Indeed. It’s not a new flavor, but the amount of ingredients inside has increased so much that it feels like a new flavor—it’s tripled!

The number of Mystery Meat pieces inside is three times the usual amount!\nCup Noodle Soy Sauce Covered with Mystery Meat


The number of squids inside is three times the usual amount!\nCup Noodle Seafood Covered with Squid

How amazing is three times the amount?
Here is the image for reference.
However, here is the photo of the actual product.
Plenty!? Usually, the image photos show more, but looking at it, the real photo has more ingredients...... What are the usual ingredients like in Cup Noodle?
The usual Cup Noodle has ingredients like this.
Show me the photo of the tripled ingredients again.
I can't see the noodles.
By the way, the seafood flavor is also packed with squid. This photo is before adding hot water, but after absorbing the water, it will swell a lot.
Incredible...... The satisfaction and the sense of fullness feel more than three times greater! Everyone, especially those who love the ingredients in Cup Noodle, please check out these two new flavors!
Cup Noodle

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