【Dried Squid】Cut squid seasoned with mirin! Introducing Sakiika (Dried Squid), beloved as a companion to Japanese sake!

Hello everyone~ I'm Boss from Japanese Snacks Republic!
Hello! I'm Saori from Japanese Snacks Republic.
So, this time, I want to introduce a certain food that is loved by Japanese people as a companion to sake. Speaking of companions to sake...... Saori, what do you think it is?
You mean snacks, right? Is it ray fin?
Close, but no cigar! I'll introduce ray fin next time! What I'm going to introduce this time is this!

【Dried Squid】Cut squid seasoned with mirin! Introducing Sakiika (Dried Squid), beloved as a companion to Japanese sake!

What is Dried Squid?

Sakiika, a snack, is a food characterized by its long, slender shape and unique texture. It is shaped like a thick string and cut into bite-sized pieces, then boiled or grilled to serve. While the texture is soft, it has a good chewiness and you can enjoy the soaked-in flavor with many bites.
Sakiika (depending on the cooking method) is characterized by a taste where you can feel the sweetness of vinegar. Sakiika is a high-protein, low-fat ingredient, which can be used for jaw exercises by chewing many times, and it also contains abundant vitamins and minerals.
Sakiika, packaged and sold as a Japanese snack, is particularly excellent with Japanese sake and shochu, and is loved by many people as a companion for evening drinks.
Sakiika, huh~! It's delicious, isn't it! I often imagine talking with friends while drinking at night on a trip, buying it at a convenience store and eating it while talking.
That's right! It's basically moist and soft, and I also like to eat it after removing some of the moisture in the microwave! It becomes more delicious as the chewiness comes out, and it's fun twice because it's different from the usual Sakiika taste!
Does Boss have any recommendations?
If you're eating Sakiika for the first time, this is definitely it! Natori Sakiika (Dried Squid)! There's a lot of it, and I think it's the standard taste of Sakiika that Japanese people love! By all means, try tasting from this food to see what Sakiika tastes like!
Sakiika (Dried Squid) - Squid - Natori Size-77g
Dried Squid
That's it for this time! Let's meet in the next article~! See you later!

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