【NEW Summer Food!】The Food that trends in Japan’s Hot Summer!? The Category to Lookout for to Summer is This!

Konnichiwa everyone. Summer is a special season for the Japanese people. But personally, my favorite is the comfortably weathered spring and summer. This is Boss from Japanese Snacks Republic!
Summer! It’s very hot! When summer comes, food changes drastically~!It’s Saori from Japanese Snacks Republic!

【NEW Summer Food!】The Food that trends in Japan’s Hot Summer!
The Category to Lookout for to Summer is This!


Japanese Summer is Just so Hot! Humidity and temperature skyrockets after June, and climate change causes heatstroke warning!

First, a major premise is that Japan’s summer is very hot! The humidity and temperature is significantly higher than the other months, so lighter food, cold food, or the ones with high nutrients tend to sell or be consumed more.
What food for example?
Lighter food refers to food with raw vegetables, or ponzu-sauce based light-flavored food. For example, Hiyashi chuka (chilled Chinese noodle), a dish to eat boiled noodle with cold soup and vegetable, is a Japanese summer classic!

●Cook Land Hokkaido Obihiro Instant Chilled Chinese Noodles

Cook Land Hokkaido Obihiro Instant Chilled Chinese Noodles
What kind of snack is popular in summer?
Because summer in Japan is high not just in temperature but also in humidity, chocolate melts so its sales go down a little. But during this time, the refreshing mint chocolate often gets more attention, and it’s a season with added chocolate mint new snacks!(compared to other seasons)

●Mint Chocolate

Personally, summer has a lot of new lemon flavor releases, I think!
Solid sweetness, refreshing effect, and the lightness makes you want to go for seconds in a hot summer!
I was looking at last year’s new snack release line up, and I remember thinking that there was a lot of lemon-flavored snack releases, and many delicious snacks!
Yes! It’s not sold anymore but the Meiji Horn Lemon & Cheese Fromage was super duper good!
Ahhh~!!That was good! The refreshing lemon cream and the biscuit was such a perfect match and I remember I kept repeating to purchase it!
Meiji Horn Chocolate Biscuit Sandwiches - Lemon & Cheese Fromage
Another rush of new items this summer!?Check out Lemon flavor food from here!
Itou Seika Moheji Lemon Mochi - Setouchi Lemon
Mire Biscuits - Setouchi Lemon Jam Sandwiches
But, don’t you think that Japanese people have these moments when they crave spicy food because it’s hot in summer?
They do. There are times to want to sweat it all out! And be refreshed! I think it’s the same concept as using the sauna.
(I think it’s different from sauna, but I won’t say anything.)

●Last summer had a lot of spicy instant ramen, yakisoba, and soupless ramen new releases! Spicy food fans, it’s important to check out the cup-noodle genre new items!?

Nisshin Cup Noodle - Delicious Spicy Seafood
Allied Corp. Szechuan Cuisine Mala Spicy Potato Chips

●Foods released toward the summer gets a re-design of package to a cooler looking one!

LOTTE Custard Cake - Whipped Cream Chiffon Cake
So if we were to summarize......?
For the high temperature and humid Japanese summer......?
  • A refreshing flavor, light-flavored snack and food tends to get more popular!
  • For chocolate mint, this is the most popular season!
  • For snacks, refreshing flavored new items starting with lemon-type get released!
  • A must for spicy-food lovers!?For cup noodle, spicy flavor that makes you sweat likely to come out!
This is just my hypothesis based on my opinion and previous year’s tendency, so I apologize if it’s wrong.
Anyway, we will do features if delicious new summer items come out! And let’s get through this summer with energy!

●Check out Japan’s summer “Newest” from here!
Seasonal Limited Edition Snacks is also getting a new summer look!!

Seasonal Limited Edition Snacks
Alrighty, that’s about it for today! See you in the next article!
See you~!

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