Calbee Sapporo Potato BBQ flavor Increased Meat

Calbee Sapporo Potato BBQ flavor Increased Meat
  • Calbee Sapporo Potato BBQ flavor Increased Meat
from Shop Staff

Item Description

titleCalbee カルビー 【限定】サッポロポテト バーベQあじ 肉増し 65g
product typeSnacks
brandSapporo Potato
release date2024-11-19
descriptionCommemorating the 50th anniversary of the release of this product! A meatier flavor than the usual “Sapporo Potato barbeque flavor” is now available! You can enjoy the flavor of beef, chicken, and pork. The meat and potatoes are kneaded into the dough to create a fun-looking shape.

Customer Review

Average 5.0 (1 reviews)

Crunchy and satisfying

I love these! They are dusted in flavor and have such a great texture to munch. Once I open a bag, I can’t stop. Haha. They are perfect for any snack occassion.

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