Langues de Chat - Chocolate Flavor - Dark Chocolate - Milk Chocolate - Assorted - GODIVA

Langues de Chat - Chocolate Flavor - Dark Chocolate - Milk Chocolate - Assorted - GODIVA
  • Langues de Chat - Chocolate Flavor - Dark Chocolate - Milk Chocolate - Assorted - GODIVA
  • Langues de Chat - Chocolate Flavor - Dark Chocolate - Milk Chocolate - Assorted - GODIVA
  • Langues de Chat - Chocolate Flavor - Dark Chocolate - Milk Chocolate - Assorted - GODIVA
from Shop Staff

Item Description

titleGODIVA ゴディバ ラングドシャクッキー アソートメント 30枚入
product typeCookies & Biscuits, Langues de Chat
flavorChocolate Flavor ,Dark Chocolate ,Milk Chocolate ,Assorted
release date2023-11-1
descriptionWe've sandwiched chocolate between light and airy langue de chat cookies for a delightful crunch and a rich chocolate flavor experience. Enjoy the harmony of milk and dark chocolate varieties packed in a Godiva-colored gold and brown tin. It's the perfect gift for occasions like mid-year and year-end gifts.

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