Popin’ Cookin’ - Kracie Foods [22g]

Popin’ Cookin’ - Kracie Foods [22g]
  • Popin’ Cookin’ - Kracie Foods [22g]
  • Popin’ Cookin’ - Kracie Foods [22g]
  • Popin’ Cookin’ - Kracie Foods [22g]
from Shop Staff

Item Description

titleクラシエフーズ ポッピンクッキン ハンバーガーやさん
manufacturerKracie Foods
product typeDagashi, DIY Candy
brandPopin’ Cookin’
flavorCola & Cheese
release date2024-3-4
descriptionThis is a DIY candy kit that lets you make your own mini burgers that look and taste just like the real thing. You can use a knife to cut the bread, burger, and fries, giving you the full cooking experience. The kit comes with ingredients to make the bread, burger, cheese, and ketchup, and you can make two mini burgers with it. Along with the burgers, you can also whip up some tasty fries and cola. The set includes sheets to create flags, a fry case, and a drink cup, so you can really get into the burger joint vibe. Plus, it's packed with calcium.

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