Takeuchi Seitaijo Kingyo Nebuta Yokan Ball - Aomori Apple 8 pcs

Takeuchi Seitaijo Kingyo Nebuta Yokan Ball - Aomori Apple 8 pcs
  • Takeuchi Seitaijo Kingyo Nebuta Yokan Ball - Aomori Apple 8 pcs
  • Takeuchi Seitaijo Kingyo Nebuta Yokan Ball - Aomori Apple 8 pcs
  • Takeuchi Seitaijo Kingyo Nebuta Yokan Ball - Aomori Apple 8 pcs
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Item Description

title【青森名産】金魚ねぶた 8個入 (武内製飴所:金魚ねぶた玉ようかん・ひとくち林檎羊羹)
product typeWagashi (Japanese Sweets), Yokan, Yokan Ball
release date2022-8-17
descriptionThis local souvenir sweet is a reproduction of the goldfish-shaped Nebuta that is displayed at the eaves of stores during the Nebuta Festival in Aomori Prefecture, one of the three major festivals in the Tohoku region! Inside the gorgeous wrapper is an apple-flavored "Yokan Ball" made from a paste of Aomori's red apple! The refreshing taste makes it feel like a jelly! It can be eaten at room temperature or chilled!

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