Otsumami (Finger Food) - Cheese - Freeze-Dried - Peanut - Kokubu

Otsumami (Finger Food) - Cheese - Freeze-Dried - Peanut - Kokubu
  • Otsumami (Finger Food) - Cheese - Freeze-Dried - Peanut - Kokubu
from Shop Staff

Item Description

title国分 NihonbashiBar Beans ハリッサ風ひよこ豆のミックス
product typeOtsumami (Finger Food)
flavorCheese ,Freeze-Dried ,Peanut
release date2022-3-10
descriptionWe've spiced things up with a trendy Tunisian kick, finishing off chickpeas with a Harissa flavor, and mixed in peanuts and freeze-dried cheese. We've nailed the tangy and spicy notes of Harissa to complement the chickpeas, and the seasoning is on point for pairing with cheese. It's a match made in heaven with fizzy drinks.

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