【Sakiika】Q. Is Dried Squid Good? A. It’s So Good with Sweet and Spicy Flavors!

※Please note that there will be multiple pictures of dried squid in this article. (It’s nothing grotesque)
Hello, everyone. I like spicy Sakiika more! I’m Japanese Snacks Republic’s Boss!
Hello everyone~! I like sweet Sakiika more!! It’s Saori from Japanese Snacks Republic!!

Q. Is Dried Squid Good?
A. It’s So Good with Sweet and Spicy Flavors!

So! Do you guys know what the Sakiika (Japanese food) is? I looove Sakiika!
Today, we’ll be featuring this Sakiika! Some of you might have heard of the name but might not know what it tastes/looks like. Is it the same as Surume or Atarime which are similar to Sakiika?
For Sakiika, the more you chew, the more flavors come out! It’s been loved by many Japanese people especially as ‘otsumami’ (=the snacks that really goes well with alcohol) ~!!

What Is Sakiika?

Sakiika was first produced around 1930. “Saki (さき)” or “Saku (さく)” is the word for “shred” and “Ika (いか) is the word for “squid.” So, it’s a dried shredded squid snack.
That’s it??

What’s the difference between “Surume,” “Atarime,” and “Sakiika”?

Right. Surume or Atarime is also dried squid, right? What’s the difference?
Actually, Surume and Atarime are the same. Surume is also a dried squid processed after the internal organs was taken off.

This (below) is what Surume looks like

??? Then Sakiika and Surume are almost the same, huh?
Yep. Both are processed dried food!
To me, Surume (Atarime) has a harder texture, where we can enjoy chewing more. (It’s just like the beef jerky) Since Sakiika is shredded in smaller pieces, we might be able to enjoy tenderness of squid more.

What Is Sakiika for Japanese People?

So, Boss, when do you usually eat Sakiika?
When I drink alcohol, I guess~.
Sakiika is usually sweet and sour, flavored with vinegar, so it really goes well with beer. (There are also spicy Sakiika)
Since Sakiika tastes thick and is also chewy, I always enjoy eating it while playing games or watching movies, just like chewing gum!
Yeah, Surume is usually a little spicy while Sakiika is sweet and sour. It’s been a long-time favorite otsumami in Japan, so those who love to drink, give it a try! Those who cannot drink will love it too!

What Does Sakiika Taste Like?

  • Dried squid flavored with sweet, sour or spicy seasonings!
  • It’s dried squid! The more you chew, the more the flavors come out!
  • Best when you drink, rather than the snack time for children!
Sakiika might not be familiar to you but it really tastes good and it’s super chewy and addictive! It lasts long too! So, give it a try now!
Dried Squid
All right now! This is all for today! We’ll see you all in the next article~!
Bye now~!

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